Streamlined Vendor Management and Audit Preparedness for a Mid-sized CRO


Life sciences


Clinical Quality Assurance , GxP Compliance , Quality Management


In clinical research, meticulous vendor management ensures compliance with regulatory standards and data integrity. ACL Digital Life Sciences assisted a mid-sized Contract Research Organization (CRO) when it faced a critical challenge. Several vendor re-qualifications were not completed as planned, posing a significant risk of non-compliance with regulatory requirements (ICH-GCP, FDA, EMA). With an impending sponsor audit, the CRO sought swift resolution to mitigate risks and uphold regulatory obligations.


Overview_Vendor Management






Delayed vendor re-qualifications jeopardizing data integrity and regulatory compliance

Impending sponsor audit


Impending sponsor audit necessitating swift resolution to demonstrate preparedness

Risks Effectively


Need for a practical solution to address delays and mitigate compliance risks effectively





  • Enhanced Compliance: The risk-based re-qualification approach ensured adherence to regulatory requirements, mitigating the risk of non-compliance during Sponsor Audits
  • Improved Risk Management: Prioritizing critical vendors for re-qualification focused resources on the areas of highest risk, strengthening overall clinical trial integrity
  • Streamlined Processes: The updated re-qualification process with clear prioritization facilitated efficient vendor management
  • Preparedness for Audit: The CRO was well-equipped to address potential audit findings with a comprehensive deviation list and corrective action plan
Outcome_Vendor Management