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Home / Case Study / High-Performance NAS Storage Cluster​ for a US-based Data Systems Company

High-Performance NAS Storage Cluster​ for a US-based Data Systems Company

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The client is a US-based, early-stage start-up in NVMe-based storage solutions that specializes in delivering high-performance Key-Value Store technology to address the rapidly growing challenges of unstructured data across Cloud, Core, and Edge infrastructures. Their latest endeavor involved implementing a NAS-based high-performance storage cluster solution over Fabric technology, enabling ultra-fast data access. The partnership between ACL Digital and the client improved product quality and operational efficiency to enhance customer satisfaction, contributing to the company’s growth in the data systems market.

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    Complex Cloud Environment

    Quality Assurance (QA) for backup appliance and data protection software (on-premises & cloud)

    Complex Cloud Environment

    Functional and Non-functional Testing to validate both functional features and performance benchmarks

    Complex Cloud Environment

    Streamline QA regression processes to support monthly product releases

    Complex Cloud Environment

    Hardware Component Testing

    Complex Cloud Environment

    Provide quick and efficient support for Linux, Windows, virtualization platforms, and workloads


    Complex Cloud Environment

    Performance Benchmarking of each software release


    Leverage the data for clinical and operational decisions to support and deliver value-based healthcare

    Improved Security Posture
    Our experienced team with a proven track record ensures that you receive expert guidance every step of the way.
    We offer customized, comprehensive cybersecurity coverage, designed to meet your unique business needs.
    Utilizing cutting-edge tools, we continuously innovate and improve to stay ahead of emerging threats.
    With a focus on collaboration and results, we prioritize building solutions that work effectively for your organization.
    Key Features Enhanced digital ecosystem security


    Leverage the data for clinical and operational decisions to support and deliver value-based healthcare

    Key Features Enhanced digital ecosystem security
    Improved Security Posture
    Our experienced team with a proven track record ensures that you receive expert guidance every step of the way.
    We offer customized, comprehensive cybersecurity coverage, designed to meet your unique business needs.
    Utilizing cutting-edge tools, we continuously innovate and improve to stay ahead of emerging threats.
    With a focus on collaboration and results, we prioritize building solutions that work effectively for your organization.


    Leverage the data for clinical and operational decisions to support and deliver value-based healthcare

    High Performance NAS Storage Cluster​ for a US based Data Systems Company
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