Comprehensive DevSecOps Solution and Compliance for a Credit Card Company Based in the US




Cybersecurity Assurance


Our client, a leading credit card company based in North America, faced significant challenges in ensuring the security and compliance of their applications and infrastructure. With the evolving threat landscape and regulatory requirements, they needed robust solutions to address their security and compliance needs effectively. The client partnered with ACL Digital to implement a comprehensive security and compliance solution that was able to mitigate security risks, achieve regulatory compliance, and enhance their overall security posture effectively.


Comprehensive DevSecOps overview




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Establish an SSDLC pipeline to integrate security into development through DevSecOps implementation seamlessly

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Secure apps and infrastructure against common misconfigurations

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Lack of efficient incident response process for security incident handling


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Adherence to PCI DSS for safeguarding customer data and trust

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Absence of real-time infrastructure monitoring for threat detection and response





  • Ensured security is integrated throughout the development process
  • Reduced the risk of security breaches
  • Enabled response to security incidents more effectively
  • Safeguarded customer data and met regulatory requirements
  • Enabled proactive threat detection and mitigation
  • Reduced the risk of security breaches thus protecting customer trust
Comprehensive DevSecOps Outcome