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Home / CaseStudy / Bank Reconciliation for one of the Big 4 Consulting Firms

Bank Reconciliation for one of the Big 4 Consulting Firms

Banner Bank Reconciliation


The client is one of the big 4 consulting firms that needed bank reconciliation solution to support the global finance team, dramatically reducing the time required to produce accurate financial reporting. After an approximate 60 days of rapid prototyping, ACL Digital created a data automation and warehousing solution by leveraging.

  • RPA Advisory & Consulting
  • POC/Rapid Prototyping
  • Enterprise wide RPA scaling
  • Optimization & Support

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    Partners in the business were struggling with global finance and corporate IT to deliver on a need to overhaul data, reporting and process

    Being over budget and behind for more than 12 months, the company needed to accelerate their business initiative


    Quality and resiliency improved accuracy 1
    Quality and resiliency improved accuracy 1
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