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Automation for Enterprise Businesses of a Fortune 500 Company

ACL Digital Tidel Wave Partnership


The client is one of the largest Global and India conglomerates with businesses traversing energy, petrochemicals, textiles, natural resources, retail, and telecommunications. It’s a Fortune 500, highly profitable company with a market capitalization exceeding $100bn. Amongst its many offices, the client also owns one of the largest sprawling campuses in the financial capital of India.

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    The Challenge

    With its vast employee and engagement facets, the client had multiple challenges on business to technology coherence, scalability and agility. The client was seeking to use Automation to enable the large teams, vendors, partners etc. Two of the key automation challenges were

    VPN access challenge

    Pain areas were continuous follow ups, time taken for VPN access to clients. Manual efforts were very high and it was error prone. All the service requests were being captured on excel sheets.

    Wi-Fi & Device Access

    Access needed to be provided manually to customers and end users for Wi-Fi, Printers, Projectors etc. For example: Hospital patients and their relatives. For Guests, visitors, consulting/temporary employees to the Enterprise Offices & Campuses the provisioning of Wi-Fi was usually not possible, unless specific requests were provided, and it took a long time thus inconveniencing and not enabling any visitors for meetings etc.


    Benefits Automation for Enterprise Businesses of a Fortune 500 Company

    The following were the benefits delivered through these automations to the client

    VPN Provisioning Automation

    Wi-Fi Access Provisioning

    Benefits Automation for Enterprise Businesses of a Fortune 500 Company
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