ACL Digital Rebuilt A Large E-commerce Website with AEM and Magento



Content, Commerce & Portals




The e-Commerce project was to re-platform the existing website(s), leveraging AEM as a CMS solution and Magento. The rebranding and build exercise was aimed at developing innovations across the globe and implementing features SSO Sign in and more. The solutions we offered for the AEM project helped the client to collaborate and exchange ideas from anywhere, anytime, through one portal

ACL Digital Rebuilt a Large E-Commerce Website with AEM and Magento.jpg




Building the SSO login and testing in the AEM.png


 Building the SSO login and testing in the AEM component

Customizing Jscript and HTML.png


 Customizing Jscript and HTML


Migrating to AEM and reusing old code.png


Migrating to AEM and reusing old code

Revising API calls and retesting.png


 Revising API calls and retesting




  • Improved scalability - By leveraging Magento as a platform, the e-commerce project can improve scalability and make handling increased traffic and sales easier, resulting in improved reliability and better customer experience
  • Enriched user experience: By re-platforming the existing website(s) and implementing new features such as SSO Sign in, the e-commerce project can provide a better user experience for customers. This can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty
  • Developing innovations across the globe, the e-commerce project can stay ahead of the competition and provide a unique offering to customers
  • Rebranding and building exercises ensure that the e-commerce project can enhance the client's branding and make it more appealing to customers
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