Telecom providers and businesses swiftly embrace advanced digital networks to manage evolving traffic patterns, handle high data volumes, and ensure rapid service delivery. This modern IT and telecom infrastructure heavily relies on software, shifting operations to the cloud. This complexity arises from a distributed setup that utilizes multiple cloud and IT environments, incorporating components from various vendors.

During this transition, organizations encounter challenges in selecting, evaluating, testing, and deploying solutions. They also require ongoing support throughout the implementation and post-implementation phases. ACL Digital has the capability and industry experience to enhance your network by providing consulting, assessment, planning, professional services, solution design, integration testing, and continuous support. We leverage technical expertise and industry best practices to optimize your network.

System Integration Overview

Where we can help you



Modernize your infrastructure


Modernize your infrastructure

Control expenditure (1)


Control expenditure

Achieve security and efficiency


Achieve security and efficiency


Seamlessly handle processes


Seamlessly handle processes

Ensure quality and reliability


Ensure quality and reliability

Automated control and manage multiple solutions


Automated control and manage multiple solutions

ACL Digital System Integration Offerings

Our team of consultants and architects will help you design, implement, and manage digital transformation solutions that meet your business needs. We offer a comprehensive range of services, including:

Digital Experience Solutions

We help you create and deliver engaging and personalized digital experiences for your customers across all channels.

SaaS Platforms

We help you select, implement, and manage SaaS platforms that can help you improve efficiency, agility, and scalability.

Product Engineering Solutions

We help you develop and deliver innovative and high-quality products to market faster.

Digital IT-led Transformation Services

We help you implement digital technologies and processes to improve your business performance.

ACL Digital’s System Integration Approach

ACL Digital offers a comprehensive assessment and planning service to ensure seamless system integration.



ACL Digital consulting practice brings together decades of deep, solution-oriented technology expertise with best-in-class digital consulting services that are global, outcome-focused, and people-centric. Our portfolio of consulting and implementation services encompasses:

  • Security Solutions: Application protection with Web Application Firewall, DDoS protection
  • Automated/Intelligent Network Solutions: SDN (Software-Defined Networking)
  • Multi-Cloud Orchestration Solutions: MDSO (Multi-Cloud Deployment and Service Orchestration)
  • Cloud Brokerage and Cost Optimization
  • Industry Best Practices
  • OSS/BSS Solutions (Operations Support Systems/Business Support Systems)
  • Network Solutions: 5G, VNFs (Virtual Network Functions), Edge Computing
  • Resource Utilization<




The Assessment Phase

The Assessment Phase

The assessment phase is the foundational step in any system integration project. During this phase, we collaborate closely to gather essential information about your current systems, business objectives, and budgetary considerations. Additionally, we identify any potential risks and challenges that may arise.

The Planning Phase

After completing the assessment phase, we create a detailed plan tailored to your system integration project. It covers the following key aspects:

  • The project’s scope
  • A well-defined schedule and budget
  • The necessary resources
  • The chosen integration approach
  • Identification of potential project risks and challenges
  • Strategies to mitigate and address these risks and challenges

With ACL Digital's expert assessment and planning services, your system integration journey is undoubtedly poised for success.


The Planning Phase


Solution Design and Implementation

Solution Design and Implementation

At ACL Digital, we are experts at crafting and delivering flawless solutions for seamless system integration. The process includes designing the integration architecture, selecting suitable integration tools, and configuring your systems to ensure harmonious collaboration. With our expertise, your organization can confidently navigate the complexities of integration, knowing that we have the knowledge and experience to streamline your operations and drive success. Choose ACL Digital for integration solutions that meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

Designing the Integration Architecture: Our experts delve into understanding the unique intricacies of the systems that require integration, encompassing data formats and capabilities. Collaborating closely with you, ACL Digital tailors an architecture that precisely aligns with your needs and requirements.

Selecting the Right Integration Tools: The market offers many integration tools, each with merits and limitations. At ACL Digital, we guide you in choosing the tools that best align with your project, considering budget, timeline, and technical requisites.

Configuring Seamless Collaboration: ACL Digital configures your systems to work together. It involves defining data mappings, establishing robust security measures, and rigorously testing the integration to ensure flawless operation.
With ACL Digital's solution design and implementation expertise, your system integration journey is poised for success.

Professional Services

ACL Digital's professional services team, comprising domain experts, ensures the flawless implementation, ongoing enhancements, and seamless integration of enterprise network and cloud solutions and frameworks. Our comprehensive Telco end-to-end professional services include:

  • Consulting and Solution Architecture
  • Requirements Management
  • Solution Design and Network Planning
  • Product Selection, Recommendations, and Training
  • Application Development and Tools
  • Project Management
  • Implementation
  • Data Migration and Provisioning, including the use of specialized tools
  • System Integration, Proof of Concept (PoC), and End-to-End Network Verification
  • 24/7 Service Desk Support and Maintenance


Professional Services


Integration Testing

Integration Testing

Drawing upon their extensive business acumen, ACL Digital’s QA Consultants and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) exhibit exceptional integration testing proficiency. They have successfully delivered these services to Fortune 500 companies and other organizations. Our portfolio encompasses:

  • Application Integration
  • Test Automation
  • Enterprise Service Validation

Product Support

The ACL Digital team provides comprehensive assistance to customers, guiding them through various stages of their journey, which includes product onboarding within IT infrastructure or telecom networks, seamless integration, and ensuring successful production. Our dedicated team supports clients by offering:

  • Product Support
  • Integration Support
  • Support at multiple levels, including L1, L2, L3, and L4, to address diverse needs


Product Support
