In today’s digital world Customer Experience (CX) has become a clear differentiator for winning brands. Continuous Product Innovation Continuous Product Innovation acts as a catalyst, enabling businesses to grow, and help them stay relevant and competitive in the marketplace by:

  • Implementing new disruptive ideas and improving service levels

  • Enabling digital engagements across customer and enterprise processes 

ACL Digital has a customer-centric approach towards Product Innovation and Experience Design.  Leveraging our proprietary human centric design and experience frameworks, we help global organizations build engaging user experiences that are powered by digital technology.

Overview_Product Innovation Engineering

XPARK - Product Engineering & Innovation Framework

Our Product Development Experience (PDX) approach for creating software products is designed to minimize gaps and accelerate the overall product life cycle. We follow a structured approach comprising of Product Design, Build, Deploy and Manage. 

Product Innovation & Engineering framework, XPARK, has enabled us to deliver digital products to organizations enhancing their revenues, lowering costs and exponentially enriching Customer Experience.  

  • Deliver Digital Products

  • Enhance Customer Revenues

  • Lower Costs

  • Enrich Customer Experience


Digital Product Innovation Framework

Product Innovation & Engineering Offerings

At ACL Digital, we use our product innovation and engineering to help customers build products and experiences to achieve sustainable digital transformation. Our offerings in Product Design, Innovation & Engineering comprise of enabling our clients within the areas of:

Enterprise and Hi-Tech Products and Platforms

Enterprise and Hi-Tech Products and Platforms

ACL Digital leverages the power of experience design, cutting-edge engineering, and cloud to build disruptive enterprise and high-tech products and platforms to deliver business value in volatile and uncertain environments. We drive digital transformation with Agile Engineering and DevOps as the backbone.
Mobility & Portal Enabled Digital Customer Touchpoints

Mobility & Portal Enabled Digital Customer Touchpoints

ACL Digital's Innovation Labs have been involved in developing interactive solutions across all digital touchpoints. With customer centricity as the core to all our offerings, we focus on areas like Mobile App Development & Testing, Service Design, User Experience Design, Front End Development, Usability Analysis, Content Management and Digital Commerce portals.
Telecom Product Innovation & Engineering

Telecom Product Innovation & Engineering

With a diverse set of offerings for telcos, equipment manufacturers and software vendors, we have been a strategic partner for several digital transformation engagements across Europe, Asia-Pacific and North America. Leveraging our expertise from concept to commercialization, we understand the challenges faced by our clients, help them identify critical market requirements and realize cutting-edge products and services.
Network Product Innovation & Engineering

Network Product Innovation & Engineering

Our experience in emerging technologies such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV), combined with our extensive networking industry expertise, licensable software frameworks and access to top-notch technical talent, allow us to help our clients in accelerating time-to-market, managing risks and reducing costs.
Product Engineering: Industry Capability

Product Engineering: Industry Capability

We have delivered value across multiple industries covering Healthcare, Retail & E-commerce, Education, Networking & Telecom, Manufacturing, Automotive, Travel & Hospitality. Our cross-industry experience places us in a unique position where-in we leverage best practices across industries to conceptualize, design, and build products that help organizations across different customer segments.
ACL Chatbot

ACL Chatbot

ACL Digital’s conversational AI platform leverages automation and intuition and helps enterprises to stay in touch through smart micro conversations.
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Product Innovation & Engineering Services

ACL Digital works at the convergence of innovation, engineering, and design. With a global team of business, technology and creative professionals leveraging our design led experience transformation framework, we empower global enterprises to design, build, automate, and manage impactful digital experiences and products.

Our application development portfolio leverages web, mobile, and cloud native platforms to deliver futuristic digital experiences.

Our Digital Product Innovation & Engineering services include:

  • Product Innovation & Design
  • Concept to Market UX and Strategy Consulting Services
  • Creative Design and Branding Services
  • Platforms & Product Extensions
  • Product Prototyping / MVP Conceptualization
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Monolithic to Microservices Refactoring
  • Legacy Application Modernization
  • Cloud Applications Development


Benefits & Value Proposition

ACL Digital helps leading global brands design, build and deliver concept-to-market, chip-to-cloud next gen software products and digital experiences. With an experienced team of business, functional and technology consultants, our value proposition around product engineering includes:


Customer Touchpoint




Customer Touchpoints

Provide the latest digital experiences to different Customer

Digital Persona




Digital Persona

Augment & strengthen a brand's Digital Persona
and increase its footprint


Digital Technologies




Digital Technologies

Transform and modernize legacy platforms to next gen Digital Technologies

Converged Technologies




Converged Experiences

Innovation, design and engineering of connected
digital products to deliver Converged Experiences