In today's digital landscape, where software is critical in driving business success, the importance of Quality Assurance (QA) testing services cannot be overstated. QA testing is integral to the software development lifecycle, encompassing activities that guarantee software applications meet the highest quality, reliability, and performance standards.

At ACL Digital, we follow a holistic approach to quality assurance, combining industry best practices with our domain expertise. Our Test Automation Centre of Excellence offers a complete test automation solution with custom-built automation frameworks. We deliver superior Quality Assurance Services designed to reduce testing costs and accelerate market readiness while ensuring bug-free, agile software products for ISVs and Enterprises. 

Quality Engineering & Automation Overview

Quality Engineering & Automation Offerings

We provide comprehensive QA testing services, ensuring product quality and customer satisfaction with meticulous attention to detail. ACL Digital’s QA Testing offerings encompass various types of manual or automated testing strategies using the best of the industry standards and tools.

Test Consulting & Strategy

Test Consulting & Strategy

Innovative technologies, engineering best practices, and our proprietary assets utilized to assess and improve the existing QA processes customized to your project requirements.
Manual Testing

Manual Testing

Thorough manual testing, meticulously validating software against specified requirements and user expectations.
Test Automation

Test Automation

Automation tools and frameworks, as well as proprietary automation frameworks leveraged to execute tests efficiently, enabling faster feedback and reducing the overall testing effort.
Functional & UI Testing

Functional & UI Testing

Comprehensive functional and user interface testing to ensure your software meets functional requirements and provides a seamless user experience.
Compatibility Testing

Compatibility Testing

Test compatibility across different platforms, browsers, and devices to ensure your software functions flawlessly in various environments.
Non-Functional Testing

Non-Functional Testing

Non-functional testing, including performance, reliability, scalability, and usability testing, to ensure your software meets high-quality standards beyond functional requirements.
Mobile Platforms Testing

Mobile Platforms Testing

Testing mobile applications on various platforms, including iOS and Android, to ensure optimal performance and compatibility across different devices.
Performance Testing

Performance Testing

Evaluate your software's response time, scalability, and stability under varying load conditions, ensuring it performs optimally in real-world scenarios.
Security Testing

Security Testing

Rigorous security testing to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats, ensuring your software is protected against security breaches and data leaks.
IoT Product Testing

IoT Product Testing

Our team of skilled QE engineers has expertise in end-to-end testing for IoT projects with the latest tools/technologies, bringing out the desired performance and achieving more than 95% of QTE.
Design Validation and Compliance Testing

Design Validation and Compliance Testing

Validation & Testing for individual components or complete products, ensuring that the design meets customer guidelines and complies with geographical certification standards and technology protocols.

Why choose ACL Digital for your QA Testing Requirements?

We enhance your software quality, end user satisfaction and brand reputation with our cutting-edge solutions and agile QA techniques.

500+  Projects

500+ Projects

With a track record of successfully completing 500+ projects, we bring extensive experience to deliver substantial value across all phases of the QA testing life cycle.

1000+ Certified QA Programmers

1000+ Certified QA Programmers

Our team consists of 1000+ certified QA programmers, ensuring that your testing needs are met with a high level of skill and proficiency.

Decade-Long Expertise In QA

Decade-Long Expertise In QA

A strong pedigree in QA with a metrics-driven approach and automation for top-notch software quality at lower costs.

Rapid Testing

Rapid Testing

With reduced time to market, our services ensure the development of bug-free, agile software products.

Comprehensive QA Testing Services

Comprehensive QA Testing Services

Specialized immersive digital experiences, our meticulous QA testing services guarantee free software delivery.

Tailored Testing Solutions

Tailored Testing Solutions

Whether it's a web app, mobile app, or complex system, our QA services boost software quality, enhance user satisfaction, and amplify your brand.

Accelerators & Frameworks

Vanilla Framework

Vanilla Framework

Instantly automate testing with our plug-and-play framework. Seamlessly integrate with tools, fit into your CI/CD pipeline, and enjoy multilingual support for Day 1 automation.
Automation Framework Generator (AFG)

Automation Framework Generator (AFG)

AFG simplifies tool evaluation for Test Automation, saving time and ensuring compatibility. Seamlessly integrates with Test Management, CI/CD tools, and infrastructure.


QAccelerator, our in-house tool in development, optimizes test coverage by dynamically generating optimal test suites for build qualifications and mapping source code to test cases.

Tools And Technologies



Test and Defect Management Tools

Test and Defect Management Tools: Jira, TFS, Redmine, Bugzilla, Mantis Bug Tracker, Test Link, Rational Software, and HP Quality Centre, Oscilloscope, Multimeter


Test Tools

Test Tools: xUnit, Wireshark, Fiddler, TCPDUMP, Postmark, Blazemeter, Burp Suite, Iometer, OWASP ZAP, and NMAP, MQTT Spy, Wireshark, Ubiqua, LightBlue, PTS, VectorCAST


Test Automation Tools

Test Automation Tools: Selenium, Appium, Apache JMeter, Visual Studio, Robotium, Postman, Android UI Automator, QF-Test, TestComplete, Calabash Testing Tool, HP Loadrunner, Espresso, Cucumber, SoapUI, Cypress, Tricentis Tosca, Playwright, Karate, Robot Framework, PyTest, Jenkins, TestNG, Jenkins, GitHub, BitBucket


Performance Testing Tools

Performance Testing Tools: Jmeter, NeoLoad, Loadrunner, Locust


Test Case Management Tools

Test Case Management Tools: TestRail, TestLink, IBM Rational Quality Manager


Test coverage tools

Test coverage tools: GCov, Lcov, Application Optimizer Tool


The technology stack is subject to variation. Contact our team for further information.

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