Accelerate Software Delivery with DevOps Excellence

In the fast-evolving digital landscape, organizations must deliver innovative applications & services swiftly and effectively to stay ahead in a highly competitive market.

  • Efficiently managing the complete DevOps Lifecycle with industry best practices
  • Automating end-to-end delivery pipelines using a powerful DevOps toolchain
  • Rapidly achieving continuous integration and deployment on AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc.
  • Streamlining infrastructure management and modernization to ensure optimal performance

Automate, Scale, and Modernize your Application with ACL Digital's DevOps Services

ACL Digital, a leading DevOps consulting services company, has been at the forefront of transforming various enterprises and OEMs by streamlining their software delivery, cloud utilization, and automating processes using best practices and cutting-edge DevOps tools.

As a certified and experienced partner of both AWS and Microsoft Azure, ACL Digital excels in delivering well-architected solutions, boasting unmatched performance, scalability, security, and availability, empowering clients to thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

Throughout application development, be it container-based or in Kubernetes clusters, our rigorous approach tests and validates at each stage, ensuring robust security and top-notch results.

DevSevOps Framework

DevOps Offerings

Our comprehensive suite of DevOps services includes DevOps consulting, workflow automation, CI/CD pipeline integration, microservices architecture, automated testing techniques, and dockerization. We offer:

Infrastructure Management

Infrastructure Management

Efficiently provision and configure infrastructure using advanced automation techniques, optimizing deployment processes and ensuring scalability and flexibility
CI/CD Pipeline

CI/CD Pipeline

We design and implement continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines, streamlining code integration, testing, and deployment processes for faster and error-free releases
Application Deployment

Application Deployment

Proficiently managing application deployments through a range of cutting-edge tools like Jenkins, Harness, Jfrog, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm Chart, Gradle, Terraform, and Github, we orchestrate smooth and reliable application rollouts
Configuration Management

Configuration Management

Seamlessly manage software configuration across multiple environments by adopting configuration-as-code principles, ensuring consistency and reliability
Infrastructure as Code Implementation

Infrastructure as Code Implementation

Harness the power of infrastructure as code to build, implement, and thoroughly test automated processes for infrastructure management
Automation Scripting

Automation Scripting

Eliminate manual efforts and reduce human errors by effectively managing repetitive tasks through automated scripting, optimizing efficiency
Microservice Architecture

Microservice Architecture

Expertly design and implement microservice architecture, enabling flexible, scalable, and resilient software solutions to meet modern business demands

DevOps Services

With our deep expertise, we help organizations accelerate time-to-market, reduce costs, and achieve seamless, zero-downtime experiences with feature-rich and dependable products.

Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability Assessment

Identify, quantify, and prioritize source code and API vulnerabilities to enhance your security posture and mitigate business risks

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Application Security Testing

Utilize a robust methodology incorporating information security guidelines and recognized testing standards like OWASP and SANS to thoroughly assess application security

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Source Code Review

Employ a combination of manual and automated code review to uncover static security issues within the code, providing critical findings and warnings

Threat Modeling

Threat Modeling

Identify potential threats across various layers of application architecture, including hackers, malicious insiders, remote software, network threats, as well as asset and adversary identification

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Penetration Testing

Conduct active analysis of your software or application by simulating potential attacker scenarios to uncover vulnerabilities and ensure a robust defense against exploitation

Security-Centric DevOps Approach


At ACL Digital, we lead the DevOps security movement, securing complex, distributed IT environments through collaboration between cybersecurity teams and developers within CI/CD/CT. Our DevOps security framework defines best practices for implementing security controls in applications, while the security operations team ensures ongoing updates and vulnerability management. We address:



Integrates Security Application development

Integration of security checkpoints at every phase of software/ application development for continuous security consideration

Automates Core security tasks into DevOps workflow

Automation of core security tasks in the DevOps workflow, ensuring streamlined security measures

Reduction in number of defects and security flaws

Proactive vulnerability addressing leads to a reduction in defects and security flaws


Identifies vulnerabilities

Identification and fixing of vulnerabilities prior to production release, minimizing security risks

application Security analysis

Comprehensive security analysis to ensure the security of cloud-native applications


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