We are at a stage where smart devices with technologies portray the world in ever-expanding circles and deliver a level of immersion and experience never seen before. However, every organization, big or small, needs an immersive technologies strategy to reduce the gap and open new creative and business avenues. Organizations use VR to train employees, improve creativity while designing products, and collaborate with colleagues in different offices. They also use Extended Reality (AR, VR, or MR) to superimpose digital data and images on physical objects and environments.

Are you exploring how augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) solutions can support your business enterprise? Look no further than us, we are here to help. You can count on ACL Digital for extended reality solutions that deliver meaningful experiences, enable human interactions, and traverse creative ways in real-time problem-solving. From education to manufacturing to entertainment and healthcare, there has been widespread adoption of immersive technologies.

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Extended Reality (AR/VR) Offerings

By utilizing augmented and virtual reality, ACL Digital delivers meaningful experiences to customers. We help organizations connect, build brands, enhance productivity, and streamline workflows with AR/VR-based interactive solutions. You can depend on us for

Solution Strategy

Solution Strategy

• Solution discovery & UX planning
• POC development & testing
• Interactivity optimization
• Platform & hardware selection
AR/VR Development

AR/VR Development

• 3D development
• Web/Mobile apps
• Web AR/VR
• AR visual presentations
• AR virtual tours
• Cloud services
Content Creation

Content Creation

• Storyboarding
• 360 video & imagery
• 3D modeling
• Technical art
• UI/UX design

Extended Reality (AR/VR) Industry Use Cases

ACL Digital has experience in multiple industries, allowing us to create meaningful, winning and immersive experiences for our customers.

Education & Training

  • Employee virtual onboarding
  • Simulation training & in-context messaging
  • Campus virtual tours in student recruitment

Manufacturing & Automobile

  • Remote assistance for support and guidance
  • Step-by-step instructions while performing a manual task
  • Equipment design discussion in the virtual world
  • Virtual showrooms to product catalogue

Retail & eCommerce

  • Virtual store experiences
  • Virtual try-on of products
  • Interactive product demos and tutorials
  • Virtual showroom and shelf design and configurations

Healthcare & Wellness

  • Accelerated training for surgeons
  • 3D medical procedures visualization
  • Device agnostic diagnostic viewer
  • Medical education training in human anatomy