Business intelligence helps companies monitor trends, adapt to changing market conditions, and improve decision-making at all levels of the organization. Analytics is the science of mining data to discover insights and agilely respond to market changes, but it’s never as simple as it sounds. Presenting data with easy-to-understand visuals and providing deep dive analysis of insights to explore business’ strengths and weaknesses require help from data experts.

With more than two decades of rich experience in the Analytics and BI space, we have catered data intelligence solutions for leading industries, combining our domain and technical expertise. ACL Digital’s analytics and business intelligence team will help you discover real-time data insights and accurate reporting by leveraging data sources to make informed strategic decisions on various platforms.

Analytics & Business Intelligence Overview

Analytics & Business Intelligence Services

Business Insights & KPI Analysis


Business Insights & KPI Analysis

Analytics Roadmap Development


Analytics Roadmap Development

Visualization and Operational Reports


Visualization and Operational Reports

Model Development & Fine Tuning


Model Development & Fine Tuning

Mobile Analytics


Mobile Analytics

Conversation BI or Self-service BI


Conversation BI or Self-service BI

Embedded Insights


Embedded Insights

Augmented Analytics


Augmented Analytics