5G's ultra-low latency and high data rates unlock a wave of innovative 5G solutions. This next-generation mobile network infrastructure, built on open development principles and interoperability, empowers the creation of highly customized, cutting-edge applications that deliver outstanding user experiences.

ACL Digital uses open development techniques and programming tools to deliver an end-to-end 5G portfolio (mobile core network re-architecture, end-to-end orchestration, edge cloud deployment, and more) to the networks of the future. Our deep domain capability and thorough understanding of 5G technology trends allowed us to build highly distinguished offerings and solutions.

Overview-5G Networks

5G Network Offerings

5G technology innovations and capabilities are changing how the world connects and communicates. ACL Digital offers mobile core network re-architecture, end-to-end orchestration, edge-cloud deployment, and more to future networks.

Next-gen Mobile Network Core

Next-gen Mobile Network Core

Our solution enables service providers to build a programmable, agile, cloud-native network, accommodate diverse traffic types, and slice and dice networks based on the end-user. You can depend on ACL Digital to build a dynamic network with our advanced and innovative solutions.
Edge Cloud Deployment Framework

Edge Cloud Deployment Framework

ACL Digital's edge cloud deployment framework helps deploy the distributed telco cloud, enhancing the Telco customer experience. We build the cloud infrastructure that will enable you to offer services closer to the customer.
Mobile Network Automation & Management

Mobile Network Automation & Management

Our solutions enable Telco companies to extend their network to accommodate private LTE networks into their fold. ACL Digital helps to broaden its coverage with Wi-Fi and CBRS and broaden its customer base.

5G Network Services

ACL Digital uses open development techniques and programming tools to deliver an end-to-end 5G portfolio.

Core Network Design Development Services

  • Design and development of flexible, dynamic micro-services-based network
  • Open-source component enhancement and integration
  • Component lifecycle

End-to-end Orchestration Services

  • Automate and orchestrate network components
  • Lifecycle management of network components
  • Assure high availability of network with constant

Edge Network Deployment Services

  • Deployment of network components with automated framework
  • Build, provision, and bring up distributed edge cloud
  • Monitoring and management of edge cloud deployments