The solution innovation team at ACL Digital Life Sciences works with biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical device companies, and CRO to understand the day-to-day challenges, cost optimization goals, the need for aggressive digital transformation, and a staggering pace of healthcare evolution.

Our seasoned transformation consultants apply their first-hand knowledge and expertise in strategy and execution gained outside and inside the industry to solve complex problems. We harness the power of data, capitalize on new technologies, transform them into intelligent operations, master customer experience design, and build customer-centric digital talent and culture, while adhering to industry regulations in a highly regulated environment.


Innovation Labs - Clinical and Healthcare



Clinical Software Suite


Remote Patient Monitoring 

IoT enabled wearables



Real world data solution


Real-world Data Solution

Data Mining and Integration



Biopharma Ledger


Biopharma Ledger

Real-time Consolidated and Single Source of encrypted, Transparent, Immutable Patient Data Platform


Clinical Dashboards


Clinical Dashboards

ClinOps and Clinical Trials data reporting dashboards designed to get better insight of data 




Medical Literature Search


Medical Literature Search

RPA enabled pharmacovigilence and post-market Surveillance 


Document Management


Document Management

DMS solution for unifying processes and seamlessly share information 



Remote Patient Monitoring


Clinical Software Suite

Includes MW Utility software, GCP and CFR-21 complaint scripting utilities for web based and sFTP data transfers, audit complaint MS Excel, eQMS,  and folder structures creation.





  • Data Sensing, Analysis and Action functionalities offered from cloud
  • Non-critical data migration to cloud 


Network Efficiency

Network Efficiency

  • High Speed Packet traffic Aggregation/Dis-aggregation
  • Ultra-low Latency and High Bandwidth Interconnect
  • Clutter-free Physical connectivity
Clinical trials automation

Clinical Trials Automation

Digital automation into the drug and device development to transform trials by:

  • Capturing routine clinical data (patient vital signs)
  • Collecting operational data, such as drug administration dose and time
  • Assessing potential data entry errors, such as duplicated or missing data points




  • Cloud based secure computing environment with validated SAS, R, scripting and other utilities
  • Customizable file share, centralized and secure,  ready for data warehouse, data lake setup
  • Plug-in SAS macros for clinical trial data reporting/analyses