Why Network Transformation?

Why Network Transformation?

If we step back a bit in to the history of how telecom networks were conceived and built, it becomes evident that networks were designed in the past to deliver one service at a time. Starting from PSTN voice to cellular voice (and later data) to multimedia broadcast, each network was designed to carry a set of services delivered through a dedicated set of network elements in its path, each performing a set of control functions to deliver the intended service to subscribers. At the core, ATM circuits served the purpose of carrying traffic over long distances over optical links.

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Mrinmoy Purkayatha

June 18, 2015

Realizing SDN – ODL

Realizing SDN – ODL

About two years ago, SDN was a buzz in the industry with early adopters conducting PoCs to create overlay networks within the data center, or provisioning WAN bandwidth in core networks. Just about a year ago, SDN realization started in its true sense, and now realizing SDN using OpenDayLight (ODL), rather SDN – ODL, has become an industrial practice.

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Yugandhar Sarraju

May 16, 2015