How To Serve Your Organization’s SD-WAN

How To Serve Your Organization’s SD-WAN

In the growing era of digitalization, organizations are switching to remote offices, hybrid works, and cloud operations. Businesses are thriving for a greater network revolution that provides security, simplicity, and flexibility in one place by combining Wide Area networks (WAN), Local Area networks (LAN), and Multi-Cloud technologies.  

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ACL Digital

May 27, 2022

Asset tracking and Real-Time Location Tracking System with BLE beacons

Asset tracking and Real-Time Location Tracking System with BLE beacons

Introduction With growing business grows the number of assets, so does the need to improve your asset management and tracking practices. Asset tracking is a technology that provides solutions to track the location and status of physical assets. Locating lost physical assets, tracking the asset lifecycle for replacement or maintenance, and enhancing overall asset control efficiency are some of the important use cases behind the skyrocketing popularity and adoption of the technology across various business verticals and organizations worldwide.

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Laxmi Prasad Sahu

May 26, 2022

Building Customer Relationships in the Digital Sphere

Building Customer Relationships in the Digital Sphere

One of the significant aspects of organizational success is customer relationships. Thanks to network and technology, customers have more information and options for their business at their disposal than ever before. Many organizations have brought in major changes to their customer relationship strategy to increase the percentage of their customer retention, satisfaction, and loyalty.

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Madhu Basavaraju K N

May 18, 2022

The Future of retail In-stores

The Future of retail In-stores

What would be the future of retail in-store in 2030 and beyond? As the pandemic disrupted the in-store traffic and it has gone down permanently. Even before the pandemic hit, the rise of e-commerce has made many brick-and-mortar stores struggle with sales. Young shoppers like e-commerce shopping: 42% of millennials prefer to use the online retail experience and avoid stores. But soon, physical stores will be the focus again with a new emphasis. There is an opportunity for retailers to reimagine, innovate and reinvent their physical space.

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Sampath Kumar Arunachalam

May 04, 2022

The Contribution of Semiconductors to the Automotive Industry

The Contribution of Semiconductors to the Automotive Industry

All the gadgets that we use in our daily lives are made of many semiconductors within that device. Semiconductors are the backbone behind all the technological advancements that are happening around us. It is broadly used in telecom industries, IT industries, automotive industries, cloud computing services, etc. In the automotive industry, it is extensively used for providing power management, sensing, safety features, etc. Semiconductors are the building blocks for the innovation of better engines named ICE (Internal Computing engine).

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ACL Digital

April 25, 2022

5 Caution Alerts Your Infrastructure Will Block Digital Transformation

5 Caution Alerts Your Infrastructure Will Block Digital Transformation

Technology plays a crucial part in innovating new business models, with a strong focus on consumer experience and agility. To transform businesses with the latest digital infrastructure, rapid changes like delivery of new services, scalability and rapid development are mainly in demand.

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ACL Digital

April 20, 2022

The Rise of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)

The Rise of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)

Typically, doctors can undertake the monitoring process when a patient is on the verge of being admitted to a hospital or other care setting. Many people visit their physicians only when things get worse, and then, if necessary, they get admitted to the hospital. Particularly for chronically ill and emergency patients, this delay can be life-threatening. With remote patient monitoring (RPM), doctors and healthcare providers can collect information about their patients' health via mobile devices.

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Dhivakaran CB

April 08, 2022

Metaverse - Going Beyond Digital Customer Experience in Retail

Metaverse - Going Beyond Digital Customer Experience in Retail

Since Facebook rebranded itself as Meta, the metaverse became a new buzzword raising the expectations in all areas of the industries, including the retail sector. Today, there are multiple technologies like virtual reality headsets, augmented reality technologies, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens and much more than literally changing the way of life. Since the pandemic, retail has never been more evolving than now. As the metaverse is growing, the future of retail can also expand beyond the existing digital customer experience.

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Sampath Kumar Arunachalam

March 31, 2022

How 5G Security Architecture Enables Secure Network Transformation

How 5G Security Architecture Enables Secure Network Transformation

5G is the fifth generation version of the mobile network. It is the advancement of global wireless network standards from its predecessor mobile networks, e.g., 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G. 5g equips a whole different mobile network experience from its previous generation’s network.

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ACL Digital

March 29, 2022

Harnessing the True Potential of Cloud Security

Harnessing the True Potential of Cloud Security

Cloud enables devices to access different databases, resources, software over the internet and outside local hardware restrictions. Cloud gives flexibility and operation scaling capabilities by offloading a portion of the organization's infrastructure management. Cloud technology is a blessing if appropriately used otherwise as it also possesses several security threats.

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ACL Digital

March 15, 2022

Increasing the Power of CRM with API Automation

Increasing the Power of CRM with API Automation

The marketing and sales team plays a crucial role in scaling a business, taking a company to new heights, and staying ahead of the competition. Sales and marketing strategists are well-versed with the fact that CRM and marketing automation cut down the expenses to a significant level to improvise the business performance.

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ACL Digital

March 10, 2022

7 Steps of Cloud Migration to make Digital Transformation a success

7 Steps of Cloud Migration to make Digital Transformation a success

Since COVID-19 occurred investments in cloud migration initiatives have increased by leaps and bounds like never before. Digital transformation is revolutionizing every industry, business operation, and product/service. It has become a crucial part of today's market. The Cloud is presently not an aspiration, yet a fundamental strategic strategy to acquire and maintain a competitive edge. For this reason, over 90% of the present companies, as per various reports have deployed cloud technology to attain maximized security, scalability, and productivity.

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ACL Digital

February 24, 2022