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November 14, 2018

3 Minutes read

Why the IoT Driven Remote Monitoring Solution is Perfect for Cold Chain Monitoring

1.3 billion tons of food are wasted everywhere across all touchpoints of production, transit and consumption. This will grow up to be a $1.5 trillion problem by 2050. We will be losing an opportunity to feed 50% of our population. But the loss during transit is not limited to the food industry. Pharmaceuticals, chemicals, bio- banks and several perishable goods depend on an efficient cold chain infrastructure to reach the needy.

Expanding the Smart cold chain infrastructure can dramatically bring down this colossal wastage. Uninterrupted cold chain infrastructure from the production stage to storage, transit and distribution to the customer facing endpoints is critical for shipment well-being. End-to end digitization has enabled a smart cold chain wherein end-to end visibility brings in reliability, productivity and cost efficiencies.

But large majority of the technologies like data loggers, Bluetooth sensor beacons or RFID provide a substantial insight regarding your product after reaching the destination. However, what about during transit?

The need of the hour is real time end-to-end visibility across all touch points. This is made possible through IoT Reactive tools can enable rapid decision making to salvage the shipments. The challenges include

  • Controlling temperature incursions
  • Effective cold chain data management
  • Constant monitoring across the supply chain
  • Ensuring all-round compliance

Organizations are looking for A Secure, Easy-to-Install IoT Driven Smart Remote Monitoring System Powered by IoT to put you on the driver’s seat of your cold supply chain.

ACL Digital offers Real time Cold chain asset management services. Highly scalable, robust and reliable platform offers Omni channel connectivity with total visibility of your cold chain.

IoT driven supply chain can be an answer for all pain points with,

  • Comprehensive Temperature Display
  • Smart Metering Display to Analyse Latitude and Longitude
  • Real-Time and Historical Data for Sensitive Environmental Conditions
  • Real Time Alerts Enabling Fast Fixes of Issues

It hosts features that let you be in sync with your shipment anywhere at all times with,

  • Multi-Tenant Dashboards
  • Mobile App to Field Teams
  • Notifications
  • Multi-Level Escalations
  • Predictive Analytics

Cold Chain market share will reach $269.61 Billion by 2024. An efficient Cold Chain can maximize the global reach for essential goods. It is time to make your cold supply chain becomes more precision and predictive with IoT.

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