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February 24, 2022
5 Minutes read

7 Steps of Cloud Migration to make Digital Transformation a success

Since COVID-19 occurred investments in cloud migration initiatives have increased by leaps and bounds like never before. Digital transformation is revolutionizing every industry, business operation, and product/service. It has become a crucial part of today’s market.

The Cloud is presently not an aspiration, yet a fundamental strategic strategy to acquire and maintain a competitive edge. For this reason, over 90% of the present companies, as per various reports have deployed cloud technology to attain maximized security, scalability, and productivity.

So what’s the key to successful cloud migration?

Is it a strategic approach or a highly experienced technical team?

From our experience, we have listed down below the seven best cloud migration strategies for successful digital transformation-

1. Creating an Effective Strategy

Everything starts with what is arguably the most important step: Planning. Begin by developing a procedure before rolling out any improvements. Characterize your targets which could be anything from a business expansion to adaptable spending or a requirement for increased agility, and set a sensible timetable, which will help you concentrate and limit your choices. Decide which legacy applications should remain on-premises or be resigned, assess the essential assets for moving to the cloud, and make plans for tracking, governance, and billings. Consider your strategic plans for future applications that will be made locally in the cloud.

2. Figure Out Which Should Be Moved and Why

Regardless of its amazing – and continually expanding – scope of capabilities, the cloud isn’t suitable for everything your IT division manages. In this way, it’s vital to set up a stock of your data and applications and evaluate everything separately to decide its reasonability on the cloud. For instance, you won’t have any desire to move stale or non-essential data that no longer have worth to your association.

3. Choose the Right Cloud Configuration Appropriate For Your Organisation

Cloud migration is a difficult process and it needs an efficient cloud migration strategy for successful digital transformation. And choosing the right cloud configuration is the step towards it.

After you’ve figured out which databases and applications ought to be moved to the cloud, you really want to consider which setup works best to assist you with accomplishing your business objectives. Numerous cloud migration services are acknowledging magnificent outcomes with a hybrid model of cloud and on-premises applications. Every setup enjoys unmistakable benefits as far as uptime, security, and control. They additionally offer fluctuating degrees of adaptability, flexibility, and functional expenses to be considered.

4. Make Sure To Possess the Right Skills and Culture from the Beginning to Ensure Success

At the point when you decide to move to the cloud, you’re not simply moving data and applications. You’re changing business processes, presenting new procedures that might require new abilities, altering workloads, and moving your association into cloud-based development practices that will change the manner in which you carry on with work. This requires a change of culture that is fundamental for progress.

5. Important To Measure Performance and Capabilities Upfront

A few businesses have invested tremendous energy and time to execute a cloud environment just to find that it’s not giving the advantages they’d imagined. Frequently, this is on the grounds that they didn’t establish the measurements for progress upfront. Before you start your execution, you need to decide how you will monitor and measure its performance, and the performance of your cloud providers. It is important to evaluate all the aspects before the implementation of a cloud-based environment to your database to enjoy success.

6. Assess the Security Risks

Cloud migration strategy also involves addressing the system security risks. It is important to implement cybersecurity to secure the private data of the system. It helps in ensuring that the migration process in itself is secure. Therefore it becomes important from the security point of view to address any security problems. Prior evaluation of sensitive data or applications prevents data breaches.

7. Select the Right Partner for Your Migration

It is important to choose the right cloud migration services for your organization. A successful cloud movement normally requires the extensive expertise of a consulting partner and is reliant upon a trusted relationship with at least one cloud supplier. Everyone has its interesting attributes, so, fundamentally, you look at the differences between suppliers. Except if you’re personally acquainted with the advantages and features presented by any one of the providers, you may not choose the one that turns out best for your association’s objectives.


Therefore, it is important to consider the above steps to turn out your cloud migration into a successful digital transformation. Without prior knowledge and evaluation, it would become difficult to migrate your databases successfully.

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