ACL Digital
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12 Questions to Ask to Accelerate the Digital Transformation in the Enterprise
The world is going rapidly digital and so are the businesses. Digital is no more a business luxury; it has become a core hygiene factor across industries. Technologies that enable digital transformation of any business include, but are not limited to, artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, internet of things and big data.
To ensure that you have achieved digital business transformation, you need to ask yourself the following 12 questions and answer them before, during and after you have attempted transformation:
1. Are my business systems comprehensive? – You need to ask whether the systems on which your business processes rely are comprehensive in coverage. Here, systems mean the frameworks and the structures that are the building blocks of your business processes. Answering this question would allow you to assess the sufficiency of your business systems, irrespective of the level of digital element imbibed in them.
2. Are they robust? – You need to ponder upon how robust and fool-proof your business systems are. Your business may require digital transformation consulting, so you can answer this question well. Digital consulting would allow your business to connect the systemic dots and see the bigger, process-level picture.
3. Are they agile? – You want your business systems to be agile, so your corresponding processes gain greater efficiency with time. Building and implementing a robust digital business model, replete with technologies such a robotic process automation (RPA), cloud and big data would ensure agility and efficiency in your business operations.
4. Are they inter-connected? – You want your business systems to operate in a synchronized manner, so you would need to ensure they are digitally inter-connected. Internet of Things(IoT) is one such technology that can be implemented as a part of the digital transformation services that you avail and impart real-time capabilities and dynamism to your business processes and systems.
5. Are they technologically compatible? – No business wants its systems to grow obsolete or redundant. A robust digital transformation framework would let you assess the relevance of your business systems and keep them up to date. This task would be covered as a part of the overall digital consulting services that you avail.
6. Are they futuristic? – In addition to relevance, your business systems and processes need to be futuristic in orientation. This means that they need to regularly benchmarked and replenished with appropriate digital upgrades, innovations and improvements.
7. Do they eliminate the need for manual intervention? – Your business processes and systems need to be fully automated and the level of automation itself needs to be upgraded on a regular basis. For example, in case marketing processes, a digital marketing consultant can help you achieve gradually advancing levels of automation across processes such as lead generation, lead capture, communication, campaigns and more.
8. Are they accurate? – Are your business processes free of surprises, and are your supporting systems accurate in operations? Answering questions like these would let you bring in operational accuracy along with the requisite business efficiency.
9. Are they expenses, investments or assets? – Your business needs to ensure that your systems fetch good returns on investment. They must act as assets instead of costs, and good digital transformation companies are experts in achieving this level of maturity, not just for themselves, but also those who avail their services.
10. Do they render competitive advantage? – What’s the use of a building and implementing a digital transformation roadmap unless you extract competitive advantage out of it? Good digital strategy consulting vendors ensure they convert your digital systems and processes into a business advantage and not just stop at mere implementation.
11. Do they align with business strategy? – Every business has a plan to reach an end goal and entire organization works towards it in a collaborative manner. Therefore, digital systems and processes also need to be aligned accordingly.
12. Do they extend meaning to employees and customers? – Not just the business leadership, but your employees and customers too deserve benefit out of your digital business transformation. All stakeholders travel together in the digital journey, supplemented by regular digital consulting courtesy a good digital vendor.
Enterprise digital transformation is thus no more just a matter of choice; it is rather a mandate taken earlier the better. You are never too early to digitally transform your business. All you need is to choose the right digital consulting firm as your trusted, long-term business partner.
No matter which industry your business is a part of, the need for digital transformation pervades across sectors, verticals, products, processes, systems and projects. Get in touch with a digital transformation consultant today and know the gamut of solutions that apply to your business processes and systems.