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Home / Case Study / ETL Development, Testing, and Data Visualization for a Global Finance Consulting Firm

ETL Development, Testing, and Data Visualization for a Global Finance Consulting Firm

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Our client, a leading global boutique consulting firm specializing in capital markets risk and regulatory strategy, sought to revamp their Anti-Money Laundering (AML) application. Their objective was to replace the existing system with an Oracle AML implementation capable of supporting both Transactions and Customer Screening processes.

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    Complex Cloud Environment

    Replace the outdated AML application with a robust Oracle AML solution that supports AML for transactions and customer screening business processes

    Evolving Threat Landscape

    Develop rich interactive dashboards at the account level for in-depth financial analysis

    Evolving Threat Landscape

    Ensure seamless data migration and integration from various existing sources


    Leverage the data for clinical and operational decisions to support and deliver value-based healthcare

    Improved Security Posture
    Our experienced team with a proven track record ensures that you receive expert guidance every step of the way.
    We offer customized, comprehensive cybersecurity coverage, designed to meet your unique business needs.
    Utilizing cutting-edge tools, we continuously innovate and improve to stay ahead of emerging threats.
    With a focus on collaboration and results, we prioritize building solutions that work effectively for your organization.
    Key Features Enhanced digital ecosystem security
    Key Features Protect customer data
    Key Features Meet regulatory compliance
    Key Features Accelerate time to market 1
    Key Features Reduce total cost of onboarding
    Key Features Partnership with Tech Giants


    Leverage the data for clinical and operational decisions to support and deliver value-based healthcare

    Improved Security Posture
    Key Features Enhanced digital ecosystem security
    Our experienced team with a proven track record ensures that you receive expert guidance every step of the way.
    Key Features Protect customer data
    We offer customized, comprehensive cybersecurity coverage, designed to meet your unique business needs.
    Key Features Meet regulatory compliance
    Utilizing cutting-edge tools, we continuously innovate and improve to stay ahead of emerging threats.
    Key Features Accelerate time to market 1
    With a focus on collaboration and results, we prioritize building solutions that work effectively for your organization.


    Leverage the data for clinical and operational decisions to support and deliver value-based healthcare

    Benefits ETL Development Testing and Data Visualization for a Global Finance Consulting Firm copy
    Key Features Protect customer data
    Key Features Meet regulatory compliance
    Key Features Accelerate time to market 1
    Key Features Reduce total cost of onboarding
    Key Features Partnership with Tech Giants
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